
加入於:2020 10 月 12 最近活躍:2024 2 月 12 iNaturalist

If you have a question about an ID ask away.
Main interests are land gastropods, vascular plants, mushroom producing Fungi, ecology. Anything natural sciency is cool.
Thanks to anyone helping me figure out what i find!

I mostly throw ID's at insufficient or misidentified slugs listed under Stylommatophora.
For slugs it's ideal to include pictures showing different body parts, like the right flank (pneumostome in focus ideally), full body (top down), sole (underside it crawls on). Extra points for visible colors/patterns and head/tentacles!
A note on size or smth for scale is greatly appreciated.

---Some slugs cannot be reliably identified by external features, especially if certain species occur sympatrical.---

Send a dm if theres anything (preferred). I speak german and english.
Or you can reach me here: (I don't check often)

I kept some species for short periods of time to observe behavior and lifecycle.
Notably Limax cinereoniger (reproduced and raised until color change occured and the foot gained dark sole sides), Limax maximus (raised from young juveniles), Ambigolimax, Deroceras reticulatum, Arion intermedius, Arion vulgaris, A. rufus and Cepaea nemoralis (reproduced and raised).

Observation for mating L. cinereoniger pair i recorded
Video of the L. cinereoniger pair in this playlist among others
Defensive behavior of Arion rufus

And some more videos of behavior but nothing too fancy.

I grow non threatened native and non invasive plants from spore and seed collected by myself since 2018.

Went mushroom picking as a kid and startet doing so by myself again a decade ago. Certain edible species will be obscurred because i do not trust people to pick areas responsibly.
If you are a researcher im happy to share the location.

In case of my death i want everything here to stay as is.
Falls ich krepiert bin, alles lassen wie es ist. Sonst komm ich euch heimsuchen.
